Yoga Bands® – A safer way to Strengthen and Stretch!!
My Yoga journey began with Bikram & Kripalu Yoga in 1995. I begin teacher training, years later, in Kundalini Training & didn’t study Vinyasa, through Yoga Works, until 2012. My experience of Westernized yoga, left a lot more questions than solutions. Through the years of teaching, self study and working with other exercise methods, specifically pilates and weight training, I found Yoga Bands®.
Vinyasa Yoga, and methods that move rapidly, can lead to repetitive stress injuries, usually in the shoulder girdle, or rotator cuff. Working with older populations and within my own limitations, I’ve found resistance bands are the best way to not only strengthen under developed musculature, but it allows for the right amount of “give”, adding just the right therapeutic quality. Yoga Bands® are specifically designed to fit a smaller or larger frame; There are two sizes. We are happy to announce Yoga Bands® are now available through Amazon. Click on the links below to order & be sure to check out Small Yoga Kit Large Yoga Kit Small Yoga Kit w/Myofascial Release Balls Large Yoga Kit w/Myofascial Release Balls
Or Purchase our Complete Kit for Fitness Fun with Friends & Family!